Get faster Twitch followers?

- in Twitch

I'm currently trying to become a Twitch Affiliate, I have actually fulfilled almost everything and have an average audience of 4.75 but I only have 12 followers and I need 50, but since I'm not interested in Twitch Follower Bots I wanted tips ask how to get followers faster.


Go to the mall and ask people to follow you.


Carry on and stream well. Do you think you get something for free? The successful ones took years to be where they are now


Advertise as usual


Stream regularly.

You get about 1-3 new followers per stream in the area (if it goes for several hours).

You can then calculate how long it will take.

The ideal would be every day or every two days.


When are you streaming again and what is your name? I'll leave you a host, have 2k followers


What are you streaming?


True words

Unfortunately, most people do not understand this and give up immediately if they do not achieve anything immediately.