Online / gaming addicted?

- in Twitch

Do you find it questionable if someone has no hobby or leisure activities other than gaming and other activities on the PC? So gaming animes watch Youtube / Twitch. And just talking to his friends online and doing something on the PC?

In addition to work and so nothing else happens in life. Get up at the weekend and the first thing that happens is the pc is turned on?


It is no different for me, as my biggest hobby I have gaming and otherwise only that I like to go to the cinema or watch a lot of films in general and anime is also one of them.

So also manageable on hobbies but this way I can spend more time in gaming Zeit


Why questionable?

Gaming / gaming is a hobby where you can also play with friends… And sport is also called "e-sport"…

So I don't see it as a concern, it's a hobby like soccer or something.

Better to play drunk on the bench every weekend.

As long as you don't neglect your body / become unemployed etc. Everything is okay


Well, I don't necessarily see it as an addiction or that it is questionable, just it's just not the best way to live your life. After all, you need social contacts outside of the internet, at least that's how it is with me. You don't have to be afraid that you are a mega addict or something. But you should also think about going out more often and actively living out your life than just in front of the computer. LG


It has nothing to do with real addiction. An addiction only defines the excessive desire to do something. In that case, I wouldn't count that.

It depends on the person, but I find it quite questionable. I would still count gaming under the category "hobby". Things like "Youtube and Twitch" no longer. Anime would also be another topic here, which can be lived out differently. So I would go back to my hobby.

But if you now run a channel on Twitch or Youtube yourself, I think that's okay because you do something and don't watch any videos "senselessly" (let's put it that way). However, I find it rather sad that there are more and more young people who can't do anything with themselves outside (in the real world) and prefer to delve into the WWW. Outside you can experience something and get to know the world personally, I can't understand that on the computer.

In addition, the computer generation is really boring. I'm also a member of the group "Go out and do sports". Sure, not everyone likes sports, but everyone can at least ride a bike or run around with music in their ears. That doesn't harm the body. Social interaction with people through facial expressions and gestures is also neglected when talking to TS or Discord all the time. I don't really find anything "done" in this sense.

Whoever comes here with "but games are also sports". No, not for me. Ok as a mental sport, but not a sport as we originally know it (physical exertion). If someone said to me "I do sports. I play on the PC", I would stare at him with a startled look and think "Wow, he really has no life". As I said, everyone spends their time differently, but mmn. Above all, the youth spends far too much time in the virtual instead of exchanging face-to-face in real life and interacting with each other.


I understand it when you retreat to your "digital grotto" because I also find it difficult to live with some people and, above all, to stay in public. The colorful, perfect world of animes and video games has a calming effect on the soul.

Nevertheless, I think it is important not to completely lose touch with reality and nature and sport also have a lot of happy moments to offer. How about when you meet your gambler colleagues outside or organize a board game evening.