Computer setup possible?

- in Twitch

So since it didn't work so well with the last question, here again:

I'm someone who can't sit in one place for long. A PC setup like that is nice, especially because I want to do Youtube and Twitch later on, but to sit in the chair all the time… I just can't.

That's why I thought about the following and wanted to know from you guys whether this is possible and what the costs are like:

Imagine: The desk with PC, monitor, keyboard and mouse is in the corner of a room. However, not in such a way that you are facing the wall, but in such a way that you can sit in the corner and look into the room.

The L-shaped sofa is right next to the desk, so the short line from the L-sofa is right next to the desk.

There are monitor joints. If you now sit on the couch (on the shorter L part), you can simply bring the monitor over to you. And in the desk there's a kind of flap (similar to those tables in a car or airplane that come out of the bench), which you can then fold out and put the keyboard on.

So now you have the monitor, with the long articulated arm, in front of you and the keyboard + mouse on this table, which you have folded out of the desk.

It would of course have been a little easier with my drawing, but unfortunately that didn't work.

Would be cool if you could tell me whether it can work that way and if so, how expensive it could be.


The way you imagine it is of course possible, the price is not really enormous, you can get good monitor poor for around 100 euro, the rest is relatively dependent on what exactly you want?

There are also height-adjustable tables, for example I have one. In a few seconds it boots up with all three monitors, of course, and I can continue playing. You can get a used table like this really extremely good for 300 euro, otherwise something "simpler" for 500 euro

Hope could help you a bit?


An alternative suggestion from me would be to simply connect the television that you may have in front of the couch to the PC and use a second wireless keyboard / mouse.

Your suggestion might already work and as far as I know there are also swiveling monitor holders, but I don't quite understand the part with the flap.

There were also different products from Corsair, Roccat, etc. For keyboards with a mousepad that you should be able to lay on your lap, but I don't know if that still exists, it was once a trend.


That helped me.


Well, you can imagine the flap like this: JL the J is the desk and the L the couch. Now you can unfold a "board" from the side (or from the surface) of the desk, which would then look something like this: JŁ So this flap comes out of the desk and "hangs" over your lap. And then the keyboard and mouse come up. I actually had a good and understandable drawing, but unfortunately I couldn't insert it here