Sell Twitch affiliate and painted things?

- in Twitch

I have been playing on twitch for a long time, but since I read the whole tax and commercial thing, I have been unsure.

In addition, I would like to eventually sell my own sewn and individually painted T-shirts etc. On Etsy.

To me, I'm a student and I don't know how that would be taxed on me.

What would the taxation look like?

Do I have to register two businesses?


You can write all of your plans in one business ad, even if you only want to start a few later.

You pay income tax on the profits of your business just like everyone else. There's a tax allowance of 9,408 euro on which you do not have to pay any ecst, then progressively like everyone else (see

With the small business regulation (§ 19 UStG) you can be exempted from the fact that you have to collect VAT from your customers and pay it to the tax office. That goes up to an annual turnover (not profit) of 22,000 euro.

Note that if you make more than 455 euro a month in profit, you will fly out of family insurance.


Everything nice, but test beforehand somehow whether there's a market for your things at all. Otherwise you started all the bureaucracy and zero profit.


I'm 25, so I'm already paying, but thanks for the detailed explanation and the link.

Do you happen to know in which price range the registration of the two businesses is?


You're right, of course, but I still wanted to have a little more information beforehand. I have already read in a bit, but it is well known that doubling twice is better.


Why two? One thing is enough! The administrative fee varies between municipalities / cities, mostly between 20 and 30 euro.


Thank you very much.