Twitch Affiliate Tax Office Register a Business (Desperate)?

- in Twitch

I'm totally confused. I have the chance to become an affiliate. I asked a little about it and often heard that you have to register a business with the tax office, etc. But some also say that you only have to register for a certain amount of profits (what amount would it be?). I live in Germany. Does anyone know?


Register business for Twitch
In principle, the question is answered quickly: As soon as you have and the partner status, you will participate in the profit. The tax office assumes that you intend to make a profit. In this case you have to register a business. This also applies if you act as a private person.

In addition to participating in the affiliate program, income from subscriptions, donations or advertising can also count as intended profit.
The tax office may also allow small and irregular income to pass as tax-free if you can declare that you covered your expenses with it and did not want to make a profit.
After a certain time, the and expenses will no longer count in your favor.
Incidentally, there are also voices who claim that a business registration is not absolutely necessary for low incomes. You have to pay taxes in any case and we have already mentioned the advantages of registering a business.
From 17,500 euro you must first Under 9,000 euro you are anyway below the tax-free allowance.


The limit for the small business regulation for sales tax is now 22,000 euro.