Why do my buttocks and sometimes shoulders hurt when I sit for a long time?

- in Twitch

When I've been sitting at the desk for a long time, my bottom and then my shoulders rarely hurt my lower spine as well.

Lately I've been sitting at my desk a lot: (morning: online scholing; afternoon when I do a task or just do something like that on the computer; in the evening when I watch the Twitch stream) - and then I often feel the places as described above. Sometimes it is also when I get up and hollow something to drink etc… That I then briefly feel my calves during the first steps.

Where does it come from?


Bad stool
Incorrect sitting posture
The height of the table and / or chair does not match your height
Position of the monitor incorrect (often too low)


When you sit for long periods of time, this posture can result
the fasciae shorten or stick together.

The best way to do this is to do some stretching!
But also these:

I was very successful with it.

Plus, pull-ups are pretty good, they'll do
the intervertebral discs also relieved and also during the day
the corresponding muscles are stabilized!
All the best
opi honest