Twitch respond to requirements?

- in Twitch

I would like to stream on Twitch soon. I will then probably respond to YouTube videos etc. Two questions about this:

1) Can I just turn on any YouTube video and watch it? Then I would also say something about it.

2) Can I watch a film that a private person has posted for free on YouTube? Of course, with comments on my part.

And the most basic: How can I make the viewers see my YouTube screen? Because I've never streamed before.


Legally, every reaction is a copyright infringement, unless you have permission or the Youtuber allows reactions to his videos.

In practice, it is unlikely that anything will happen to you. I would leave it anyway. Mainly because most of the reactions have no added value. Unless you can provide an expertise on a topic (such as a lawyer on a legal topic, historical knowledge, etc.) at least my opinion