Xbox 360 E or Xbox Slim?

- in Xbox

What is the difference between these consoles and can you transfer the disk from the Xbox 360 Slim to the Xbox 360 E?

And is the Xbox 360 E more powerful?


So I do not know if this question will help you but you could also buy a xbox one.


I already own a PS4 and I wanted to play the old games of the Xbox 360, since I own an old Xbox 360 but unfortunately it broke and I can't decide now whether Xbox 360 Slim or Xbox 360 e is more worthwhile.


The Xbox 360 S and Xbox 360 E are no different except for the look and feel of the buttons on the console. The HDDs can be used in both consoles. The 360 E is statistically less powerful, but so minimal that you can't notice. The only difference: the 360 E has right keys again, the 360 S has only touch fields.

The software is also the same.

Conclusion: the 360 E is not particularly different to the previous console 360 S, and was actually only released so that Microsoft can show that they would still care about the 360. (The 360 E was also used for image stabilization, since the Xbox 360 E came out at the same time with the Xbox One)


Thank you very much 🙏🙏🙏


If you swear so much on the 360, I'm just right, almost all games are still online capable, and you can play with other buddies who also have a 360, Systemlink multiplayer (So multiplayer up to 16 consoles max In the LAN network - no internet required)

I'm just wondering why you do not just buy one - most of the games are backward compatible on One…


Yes I think I will do that… Thank you very much really you have helped me really good