Would gaming help against the high numbers of infections?

- in Xbox

Mind game imagine everyone between the ages of 20 and 35 gets a PS5 or Xbox series x or a gaming PC from the federal government so that they leave the house less often. Would that work or would you say no, that would be a waste of money. And if it does Should work as it would work because the PS5 is extremely rare like the vaccine


Because of course every 20-35 year old wants to gamble every day.


It would be a possibility or you get something else that you want so that you don't leave the house


There are actually people and now hold on tight, they don't gamble but rather read a book… So you could also give people a few books to counteract the number of infections?


It would still be a bad idea to provide a PC for every 20-35 year old.

Yes it would be wasted tax money.


And who doesn't want to gamble?

I recently noticed a similarly sensible idea: Ban on advertising for non-essential items, because advertising encourages people to shop. If fewer people go shopping for less, there's less risk of infection. Germany is really on the right track…


And what should the reasonably gifted do (including those in the age group discriminated by you as stupid guests)?


That would also be an idea or everyone gets what they want so that they don't leave the house


Well no less useful than the Berlin airport or stuttgart 21


No, those who meet with each other will still do it, but a ps5 would be something nice