Twitch stream blurred / pixelated with strong movement?

- in Twitch

I stream on Twitch and since a couple of streams it has been the case that my entire stream image (gameplay + facecam) becomes heavily pixelated or blurred with moving images (e.g. Games like Fifa or NBA 2k). As soon as the game and the fast movements are over and I'm back in the menu of a game, the picture is sharp again and everything looks fine. What amazes me is that the moving image is not 100% sharp in OBS, even via El Gato.

It can't really be because of my internet or my PC, since everything worked perfectly before.

I hope you can help me further here.

Technology: I stream my PS4 picture via El Gato Capture Card via OBS Studio on my PC


The fact that something is heavily pixelated and therefore blurred is due to the fact that your video signal has to be heavily compressed before streaming. After all, people have to be able to download it live - seen broadcast.

So it is quite normal for clearly visible artifacts to be seen during quick moments. The only thing that helps is to set the bit rate higher or adjust the encoder profile.

Unfortunately you have to strike the middle between good quality and the lowest possible bit rate. (Because if the bit rate is too high, some people can no longer see them because their bandwidth is insufficient)

What surprises me: Your picture arrives in OBS already compressed. The preview in OBS is "pre-encoding" means before something is compressed. The image should look the same there as it does on your source. There may be something wrong in the Elgato software