Stream pixelated and blurred in motion despite good PC?

- in Twitch

My problem is this: When I wanted to stream the first time today with my new PC, I immediately noticed that the picture is relatively pixelated and movement even more and very blurred. (use obs studio) I've already tried ALL conceivable settings (except for more than 6000 bitrate because my Internet is not so good). I also know that you should stream at a specific resolution at a specific bitrate. ( As I said, I've really tried everything like CPU utilization preset, bit rate, encoding, resolution, process priority, different scaling filters. But I just do not get a sharp picture. Have already tried streamlabs obs. Again nothing.
PC Specs:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

Motherboard: Asus Prime X470-Pro

RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro (3200Mhz)

GPU: Asus GeForce RTX 2070 ROG Strix OC

SSD: 500GB Samsung 970 Evo
I also have 44 Mbps download and 9.29 upload. My ping in games is always very good even while streaming (no matter what bitrate). Do not really know. Thank you to all answers in advance
Another small addendum: In my old system, I had a i7-4770k and a GTX 650 Ti and could still in at least sizable quality in 720p and 60 FPS streaming and gambling whether you believe it or not. One day my CPU did not make it anymore and that's why I stopped streaming. Now I have a new system and I expected to be able to stream easily. That's why I wonder so much because my old system was so much worse.


How did you find out? In the preview window? Or looked for yourself meanwhile? Or friends?


Because Beinteitch is always taken the quality that was as little as possible on the user's device as possible


And in the preview window is usually everything small which leads to pixelation at a high resolution as test take a picture 1440x1080 I think and zoom something out


Does not always have to be on the pc


I looked at twitch myself


In the forecast everything is always optimal


Then your internet is weakened and can't load more than 360 420 or 144 p I also had let him stream zsm


My internet is not weakened as i can diagnose my latency of 0-15. You do not seem to know that much


've already looked in twitch inspector if the full bitrate arrives. She does


Age I stream myself for two years


I should tell you about muddi devices are always the same as the owners


Had also the problem, set your OBS Streamlabs exactly like that. Important synonymous in 720p 60 fps streams. As I said you look exactly the settings, then I really had really good quality.


Did not help, anyway thanks. But about the video card stream while you gamble? Does not make sense anyway.


But if your CPU is not the best and you have a good GRAKA it makes perfect sense!


Have tried both times actually worked first now I've tried again cpu and now works with very good fps and looks a little better.