How do I get the Xbox one controller repaired?

- in Xbox

Cheap scrap…

How do I get the Xbox one controller repaired How do I get the Xbox one controller repaired - 1 How do I get the Xbox one controller repaired - 2

I feel I also recently destroyed 2 PS4 controllers, but I don't think you can get them any longer.


Even the most expensive controller does not survive long high-speed flights against the wall of the room.


Thought you just had to press briefly and it would snap back in, but somehow it didn't work


That was only once on the ground, usually they never break. Just cheap junk


Have you played too much Dark Souls?

You might find a new case / shell on eBay.
But otherwise you will probably need a new one.


Mine looks exactly the same, but still works like on the first day 😂 that's the good thing, if yours still works it doesn't matter.


No, it's stuck but got it whole


Buy a new one.

And next time consider that this is not a hammer but an electronic input device.

So when used for the intended purpose, something like this should not happen. A little respect for the value of something would suit you as well.


Just don't throw it on the floor?! O.o I have the elite controller and had to work long enough for it. That's why it still looks exactly as it was unpacked!