Which console do you recommend?

- in Xbox

I'm 12 (female) and I'm looking for a good console.

I would love to take the Xbox 360 with Kinect, but it is no longer manufactured. I'm not a big gambler because I'm more interested in movement games for when it is raining or boring, for example just dance or Kinect Sport.

Since Kinect is no longer manufactured (not in ages, but I never had the need to have one and there are simply no similar models to the Kinect / Xbox 360), I'm facing a problem.

I have no idea what models there are and I could really use some help, thanks in advance!


How about the Wii? One of my favorite consoles.


A switch with Ringfit Adventure would be an option


So you could look on eBay or other sites to see if they are somehow sold. I would also advise you to switch to Xbox one as there are better games out there. The first Xbox one also has a Kinect connection. The Xbox one s / x is no longer available, but as far as I know, or an adapter can still be connected.


Yes, you can always see them in advertising and make a good impression.


So it is important to first clarify, what do I need the console for, what should it be able to do? What games will I want to play? Do I want a handheld console, or would you prefer one just for the TV? What else do I want to do on the console? Or do I prefer a PC?

Otherwise it is about like buying someone who only likes to take photos occasionally, an expensive new camera, although he does not need all the features and extras. He could have saved money there.

If you know this, you should keep an eye on whether games are still being produced for your favorite console or whether there are still software updates. Is that a problem for you?

What is the console designed for? For example, the Xbox is also designed for extras, i.e. Apps or something else. The Playstation has these too, but it places more emphasis on gaming itself and less on trivial matters.

You're still very young and probably don't have a cent in your pocket, so I would get an older version for now.

How about a Wii, Nintendo, Playstation 2 or 3, or a 360?


You get the XBox 360 including games at Shpock and ebay classifieds almost free