Video games 2020 and the prices?

- in Xbox

How do you find the prices for the upcoming next gen consoles so as far as I know Sony has raised the prices to 80euro for Xbox Series X I don't know whether the prices will cost as much.

in my opinion, I find the prices outrageously expensive
if you buy 2 games you have paid almost 200 euro

If production has become so expensive then why are most of them
then play so cheap on the pc?


I have n pc and don't give more than 20 for a game other than CP2077.


On the PC, prices are rising more and more.

The reason why console games are on average 15 to 20 euro more expensive when they appear is primarily license costs and calculation.

The console itself is usually sold with a loss. Sony (and other manufacturers) does not make a profit on sales, but even pays on it. The reason for this decision is simple: a lower purchase price increases the willingness to buy a console. Anyone who owns a console also needs games. In previous generations, after 2-3 games bought, the profit zone was reached again.

And for the PC there's simply no manufacturer who could take license fees. Microsoft will not suddenly put a stop to third-party software for Windows and thus shoot itself in the knee, especially since the target group of this company are more themselves companies.


Yes admittedly 80 euro are expensive.

But on the one hand this currently only applies to the large exclusive games from Sony and on the other hand they usually don't cost the RRP in real terms anyway.

The fact that the prices for console games are higher than on PC is due to the license fees that are added to the games so that the console manufacturers make a profit.

But I think the majority of the games will remain price stable. Especially since many games are bursting with variants and these are also expensive enough. My current Assassins Creed Valhalla cost 99 euro or Horizon 4 at that time even 130 euro. In addition, there are numerous games that, as in the case of Planet Coaster or Star Wars Squadrons, make it into the trade for less. If you now see all the little games that often cost less than 30 euro or sales and gamepass, I don't think anyone needs to be upset.

One more thought. I've been playing on consoles since 1989 and even then a Track and Field 2 or Zelda for the NES cost 120 marks.

So aren't games much too cheap today when you see how much effort in terms of people, material and time is devouring great titles?

I guess so. Gaming has always been an expensive hobby. But if you are not willing to spend a lot of money you don't have to have everything on the first day.