How many cables are there with the xBox 360?

- in Xbox

The question is above.

I would like to buy an xBox 360 on eBay classifieds and the seller says there are only 2 cables. One for the power supply and one for connecting to the TV, but I thought there are more cables. 🤔

Can someone help me there?


No, there's a cable for the electricity, so a power cable and a cable (HDMI) which you plug into the TV.

You can then connect more cables, e.g.

LAN cable for internet connection

USB cable to charge the controller

Normally, a USB cable (ie a third) to charge the controller but with it, at least if you buy it packaged original.


Battery-powered controllers do not need a USB cable, right? And is the LAN cable necessary?


If the controller has a rechargeable battery (like PS4 for example) you need a cable to do so. And you probably have a LAN cable lying around at home, are the things with which you connect the PC's to the Internet. But you can also play on Wi-Fi, then you do not need it of course.


No, the LAN cable is not necessary. With battery operated controllers you only need fresh batteries. Batteries are cheaper but in the long run, and you would need the cable, or an external charging stations. But since this is Microsoft and not Apple, you should usually be able to get a USB A or B type cable for a bit of change. The original ones are usually too short.


Ah oh so. So my Wi-Fi is broken at home right now so I can use a LAN cable instead?


I'm sorry for the many questions, but I do not have much experience with it xD


The original USB cables are always 2m long.

Too short?