I can't really take it anymore?

- in Xbox

I'm aware of the cohesion of society during this time and I currently adhere to all the rules if I can (there are situations like running, which is not possible). Since I hardly have any social contact, let's just say, I slowly go to the ceiling.

I don't argue with my parents, but I withdraw and my brother and I don't get along well. My brother is the one who gambles all day.

I try to continue my education, but I can't get it anymore, psychologically the little social contact gnaws at me. I have no friends and it just doesn't feel real when I'm on the phone.

I think I would take 1 month, but from June at the latest I would just like to go to the lake with a friend of mine and just enjoy the day.

I know you can't tell the end from the lockdown, but would you like some tips on how not to go inside the ceiling?

Game nights are not possible with us because my mother hates playing and my brother and father play XBOX and PS4.


Have a game night with friends on Skype. It's pretty funny


I have no friends, again…

Most of them play video games and I have to leave my cell phone at 10pm…


You only have a curfew, no ban.

Keep the minimum distance and just go for a walk to get other thoughts.

You can go for a walk, you can only leave your state nodding and you must adhere to assembly bans etc.

But you can also meet friends with a minimum distance and you can talk.

But if your district has a curfew, this is very difficult.


But you write that you can hardly stand the social isolation and want to go to the lake with a friend. With what friend if you don't have one. And if you don't have one, you've been socially isolated before.


Yes, he is an internet friend. He is just like me, he likes to play net so blatantly and he comes from a city at the end of NRW


We don't, only the people I'm friends with are not allowed out.


I do not understand your problem. What exactly is currently so different for you than before the measures? And what can you no longer take?


So if he doesn't like to gamble. We sit down in Discord watchTogether and watch either political or funny videos.


So now friends who are not allowed to go out can't play with them via Skype, chat,?


No, they don't want that. I don't have a PS4, XBOX etc. I just have a laptop that I use to write my exams.

They don't have Skype and they all come at 10 p.m., but I have to hand in my cell phone.


Before that I always did something with bad people who took drugs and stuff. I did something with them every day and I miss that, but I have an express ban on my parents' contact with them and I stick to it.


Yes, I have a school laptop, I'm not allowed to do it and my parents do not understand why I can do it via WhatsApp. So I'm not allowed to have a discord: /.


Maybe you could temporarily become a hobby gardener. You could do research online and create a whole new look for your garden with pen and paper. Pick and plan every stone and plant and then implement all of this as a family.


Had the idea already, my father doesn't think it's cool. So I'm not allowed to dad


What kind of parents do you have? All social contact is extremely unhealthy. Can you throw a few studies at the head… That is highly irresponsible


Gosh, can you ask me my father why he gives birth to children when he gets sick of spending time with them?!


Well, my brother gambles with his friends. My only two friends from the internet don't want to play Scribbel with me, but call of duty and chatting a bit, by the way, but they didn't disappear that I didn't gamble.


Why don't you gamble? There are such good games out there.


That's stupid, then you just have to enjoy nature on your own, I also do (cycling, hiking,.) 🙋♂️


He wants to go for a walk with me, but I'm a loner. To write our whole family history in would be too much. To make a long story short, we played with other children or with ourselves as small children. This first soccer game and nothing like that. Learned cyclists with him, but learned the rest with friends


I find it unnecessary and I don't enjoy it. You can let me play, I can stop it immediately because I'm bored and not for fun.


You need a game that really captivates you. What would be your interests?


I only like one game and that's Scrabble. Do you know that? Well, you could still play chess.


Yes, they don't want to play either.


It is really boring. But can't you go cycling?


Ehh I don't think there are games like that. 😂

You can surely play something together, which is at least a little fun for you. Maybe try LeagueofLegends.


I have, absolutely boring


I do, but not. I go out every day and 10-15,000 steps. Alternatively, if I feel like doing a bike tour alone, I go to Cologne and back, for example


Warthunder? Is free. You can fly around with planes from WW2 and shoot down others.


Violence is absolutely not mine, but thanks for the recommendation.


Then all you need is a book to learn how to identify the herbs and plants you encounter along the way. You can also take your pen and pad with you and draw them and search for them online at home. Many herbs are edible and a good wild vegetable. For starters, it is enough to get to know a plant on every tour. And drive in a different direction!


Ok, so you have to create a healthy social environment again. Now I understand your situation, because that's currently almost impossible. I can only give you courage that you can keep it up. But make plans for afterwards. Not that you run out of pure desperation to the old "friends". Look for opportunities that are fun and enable you to get in touch with other people. Maybe a sports studio where you train, a club, a theater group, a music group, … Get in touch and ask if you can participate after the restrictions. Do you enjoy animals? Then maybe help in the shelter or you can already report to the board. They are currently looking for young people who are ready to help because the many older helpers who are otherwise are currently not available.


If your friends are not allowed out, but you are… Do the people you are friends with maybe have a balcony? Then you could make yourself comfortable on the balcony and you make yourself comfortable in front of the balcony. And so you could talk a little bit and you would be in the fresh air at the same time.