Xbox One X fan has some problems?

- in Xbox

The fan of the Xbox One X blows up and down regularly. I had read somewhere else that this was not normal, it should actually be a continuous blow. This blowing up and down occurs in games that don't need that much power, e.g. Wasteland 3. With Call of Duty, blowing is continuous because a lot of power is required there and therefore runs hotter.

I guess the board gives the fan irregular signals to blow, so I mean that the number of degrees always deviates and thus the fan always blows up and down.

I've already replaced the fan and the thermal paste, there's no dust and everything is clean.

And now I don't know what to do next, this is my first Xbox One X. I only had the One before.


It is possible that the temperature meter is broken.


This is e.g. What I didn't know now, where exactly is it?


No idea. But have a look on the internet.


I do not wish that it will be like mine 3 months ago. Fan on / off / loud / quiet.

At some point it went off and when restarting a message came up that it is no longer cooled. Since then she has been going out again and again for protection.

I googled and that should be a more common problem with the xbox one x…

Cheer up ^^ The Series X will soon be there


Yes, if it's the same with the new Xbox, then I'll have the same fun I guess it's because the fan is not directly on the cooler as with the One. With the X, the fan is next to the cooler and is only responsible for blowing out. With the One, that's right at the source where it's hot.


I guess there's no such thing with the X, so I mean now to change it will be processed in the board somewhere that you can't exchange it.


Yes, that is quite possible.


I have something to add, I've read that when you have installed a new part, you should reset the console and reload and install the firmware so that the new components recalibrate themselves. But I think that's humbug.