Can Optessor MK2 no longer be targeted?

- in Xbox

As everyone knows, the MK2 Noobs are annoying in gta 5 online. A few days ago, when they were close enough, I could target them with a weapon. Today I wanted players and there were 2 of those opressor noobs in the lobby they attacked me but I can't target them anymore even though they were very close and even in the air. I set the target priority first on strangers and when that did not work out to all yet it still was not working. Is the Wegem the new Uptdate or someone has the same problem? Play on XBox


Just play against honorable AWNL, Beach or Base players


You've probably come across a server that has turned off auto-aiming. The option of auto-aiming or disabling is found in the settings, but in GTA online this is disabled to suppress odds against other players. Incidentally, the setting will persist even if you change lobbies or return to campaign mode. However, IF you return to campaign mode, THEN you can turn auto-targeting back on, and also apply to GTA Online later. - … Until you come back in a Lobny, which prohibits automatic targeting - has always happened to me on the 360 and One, man I was customized 🤣