- in Xbox

Yesterday I asked something about the DOLBY atmos app.
My question that I'm now asking relates to sharing on the XBOX ONE [& Series, since both have the same operating system, etc.]. If I get the Dolby Atmos APP for the XBOX, can I share it with a friend? Because you first have to buy the function of this app for 17.99 euro so that you can select this as an audio output on the XBOX [SETTINGS].

In short, can you share DOLBY ATMOS for headphones?


The only option would be to use your profile on the friend's console to make it your home console.

If he then logs in with his profile, he can also use your content and you can use your own with your profile on yours.

However, sharing outside of your own household is prohibited in Microsoft's terms of use.

I'm not aware that Microsoft is also following this, but when in doubt you buy the content like everyone else, if you want to have it.


Accidentally also cleared "Not helpful". Sorry I know about sharing, I'm currently doing it with my best buddy. But I don't know if that is possible with Dolby…


Since all purchased content is tied to the profile, it goes as soon as he turns his console with your profile into your home console.