I wanted to play fortnite with a colleague of mine, but I can't send him a request. One knows if this is because there are two different consoles and if I can send him a request in a different way
Solution: Play Warzone and not FoRtNiTE.
But does not buck in the long run
Do not play Fortnite but you can do that directly from your epic account.
Your comment was more useless than usual, it asked a question and not what to play instead!
As far as I know, it doesn't work for me, because it is Playstation and Xbox. These two consoles are "hostile", not only the players of their consoles, but also the companies of them, that's why it can't be. You can send FAs to yourself via Epic Games, but that's about it.
You should google the word funny
Download Fortnite on your phone to add it