Will AC Origins (not Valhalla!) Run at 60 FPS on the Xbox Series X?

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Will AC Origins (not Valhalla!) Run at 60 FPS on the Xbox Series X?


Even with 120


Easy, I also had relatively high FPS on Xbox One.


Probably on 4k, on 1440p for sure


Thank you. I had played it on a PS4 Pro and I was very dissatisfied with the frame rate. But I've now read that at least Valhalla shouldn't run at 60 FPS on the Series X, so I'm just unsure about Origins. Valhalla will also be released for Xbox One, so the difference in standards between the two games shouldn't be that big. So I'm unsure about origins because of the 60 FPS…


Valhalla is not completely optimized and AC games are unfortunately never really optimized. A lot will happen in the future. So I would wait and see what is said about the frame rate. What I've seen of Valhalla so far also looked like it was on par with Origins. It actually looked worse than Odyssey, honestly. So with the graphics really not much has changed ^^


That is interesting. Valhalla is developed by the people responsible for Origins and Origins had better graphics than Odyssey. I haven't been overwhelmed by the presentation so far.


It could also be that Odyssey was graphically worse than Origins. In any case, there isn't much difference. So far I have found the lighting effects extremely exaggerated and in my opinion do not fit into northern latitudes.