No idea how to ask the question - but help is important it is about Xbox one cable and pc / monitor see description below?

- in Xbox

The reason is as follows

TV broke recently (LCD was still older and had a few years)
but therefore to the question - xbox one - (HDMI cable plugged into pc from xbox one) because from pc to vga adapter (in pc in it dvi in adapter) what goes to the monitor - and works perfectly?
My question is nu - I have the PC running in the monitor as I said above, next to it is the hdmi connection (in the monitor) where of course I dodged because of the defective tv - and the xbox one hdmi cable plugged into it is also wonderful - but only if I had a pc on I have to shut it down then it jumps to the xone picture runs flawlessly better picture than on the broken tv - my question is now why and if you can't skip that so the pc can stay on because the dvi cable runs perfectly - and the one via hdmi from the console to the monitor, even if both are plugged in, but why does it only jump to the console image when both are plugged in when I shut down my pc?

I hope someone understands the question, if someone knows then I really ask for an answer, I still despair.

Do you know how to stream with the xbox companion app, even without a cable (hdmi), i can do everything - yes, yes, and then there's a picture in the app but when the hdmi is in the monitor i have to shut down the pc or how i don't get it up

oh so if you need help because of the above "Skippen" question - Windows 10 64 bit if necessary to answer - with license


The monitor can only display one image at a time. When you shut down the PC, it will find a new source and then find the Xbox. Alternatively, you could just pull out the DVI cable.

You can actually always set which source to use on the monitor. Which key (s) you have to press for this is different.


OK thank you