Xbox games from abroad?

- in Xbox

Do you know if the games (retail) are in German when you buy Xbox One games abroad (eg Netherlands, France)?

As far as I know, the games are completely downloaded and the disc serves in the end only as a "license", so it should be the German version?


In European games are usually the most common languages, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

Things are different for games from Asia. There's next to the original soundtrack usually only the national language of the purchased version.

England is also a special case dar. They often offer only English as sound and writing.

Your guess is not really true. The games are always with a few exceptions on the disk. The following Douwnload always includes a Day one Patch with various bugfixes.

With Assassins Creed it is possible and even necessary to download the language later.

As you can see so you can't make a universal statement. But if you are from Austria, Switzerland or even like yourself, France or Netherlands buy it should not be a problem.