Is a 1000-1200 euro PC stronger than the Ps5 / Xbox Series X?

- in Xbox

Since the Tf of the Ps5 and the Xbox Series X are now known, I wanted to know if a PC in the price range of 1000 euro-1200 euro has more power? I don't know the whole thing well and will soon get a PC.

As an example I have this Pc from Dubaro:

Is that thing stronger?


No. The two consoles have a Ryzen eight-core, the PS5 is also slightly better in terms of graphics, the XBox Series X clearly.

In addition, both consoles have a lot of "costom", in other words, self-developed and adapted components that improve performance.


you'd better get it, it's faster and cheaper

and you can't compare a gaming pc with the console, the pc will always be faster


Both are worse than the specs from the new Xbox, but could be better or as good as the Ps5


Is a 1000-1200 euro PC stronger than the Ps5 / Xbox Series X?
-> Yes


More quickly? Compare the specs… And it wouldn't even take into account that consoles run better due to optimization with the same hardware.


Does your pc have ray tracing? I'm really a layman in the field of technology:-)


Also the pc from my link?


But is of no use if a GK e.g. AMD RX 5700 XT is in the PC. And if the current 16 kernel is in it, the PC is better either way


No, but ray tracing eats far too much performance and is only available in a few games


It's a bit annoying when you consider that the console will probably not even cost half the price of the PC: -D


The specs of the new Xbox resemble a good 1500 euro Pc


Again the Agando Shop sets a link. Many buyers are not enthusiastic about this shop. There are better ones than Agando (low-cost providers, remaining stock sales)


I recommend a training course, yesterday and today a lot of new technical data came out. Therefore you can now make very specific statements.

And who cares, that a console is not as good as a PC with 16 cores, completely absurd to use a CPU for comparison, which maybe 0.1% built into your PC.


The consoles will definitely be stronger for the release. However, this is the problem with the consoles:

A console generation is often "current" for years.

The PCs overtake that very quickly again, and then soon it says again:

"Ohh, console graphics: - /"


Wow, considering that it will probably only cost 500-600 euro, the pc seems rather unattractive: -D


This thread essentially consists of personal opinions. And the video linked to it comes from a channel that I'm even familiar with, and the only content of which is to defile consoles by turning the facts the way they want.


The "thing" is purely weaker from the values published so far for them than the upcoming consoles.

But I would be skeptical about the information. The GPU of the upcoming Xbox 12 Teraflops must first prove beyond specially optimized tests.

But there's a serious reason for a PC. In 2 years you can replace your RTX 2070 Super with an RTX 4070 that will definitely make the Xbox Series X look pale. You can't upgrade the graphics card on the Xbox.


That's true! Although I believe that streaming is really the future and that we no longer have to buy expensive PCs or consoles.


Not correct

An AMD thread ripper with 8 cores alone costs around 300 euro and is more powerful than an AMD Ryzen 8 cores

Cooler (generously calculated) 70 euro

Mainboard (are expensive) 200 euro

Memory 16 Gb ca 125 euro (depending on the specs)

1 TB Conventionally approx. 60 euro

750 watts NT 80 euro

Summary: approx. 835

I deduct that for the buget of 1200 euro so I get 365 that fits well for an AMD RX 590 or a cheap AMD RX 5700 Xt (bargain offers).

Of course, you can still make changes to one or the other of the prices, with which you can then assemble such a system. It doesn't even have to be AMD's 16 core mid-range range. Thanks to its higher cache and more registers, the Threadripper has a performance of up to 30% more than the AMD Ryzen 8 Kerner (in comparison)


That's true! I think that Sony and Microsoft want to move in with their streaming services if I'm not wrong.


Yes, a PC is always made individually, there are endless combinations, while a console consists of all the same, coordinated parts. This not only makes it cheaper to manufacture, it also guarantees that all parts work well together.


Oh, I think that it will take a few more years until it is really used properly and across the board. One shouldn't forget that the majority of Germans still have such measly 16K lines, so streaming is no longer fun.

In addition, it will take time for services like Google Strada to expand their capacities to such an extent that they can serve really large numbers of users.

In the future that will surely come, but I think we'll only be there in 5-10 years.


Not correct.

AMD thread ripper with 8 cores

A thread ripper with 8 cores would be the most senseless choice there's. There's only one from the 1st generation, and it has long since become obsolete, especially single-core.

AMD RX 590 or a cheap AMD RX 5700 Xt

In terms of performance, these graphics cards do not reach the level of the new consoles, not even close to an XSX.

In addition, the configuration is missing, among other things, the housing and a conventional HDD is probably no competition to a 5.5 GB / s SSD with costom I / O as in a PS5 …

THAT are arguments.


PS: Don't be surprised that I commented so much here, but here in the forum there's traditionally so much hated against consoles… Above all, I can't leave false statements uncommented.


And there are also all the other advantages. I mean if you buy a console, but also a PC for emails, surfing, YouTube and such, you pay as much as for a clever gaming PC. And yes, it's cool and so to play in 4K, but 1080p is still pretty good, and you don't need an expensive GPU for that.


I think it's good that you stay honest:-)! I know that gamers can be pretty disrespectful and I've always been a consolero.