Why is there no 60 fps mode on the PS4 / Xbox One?

- in Xbox

A PS4 or Xbox One creates in complicated games usually only 30 fps. I know there's the PS4 pro and Xbox One X, and these consoles manage 60 fps with good graphics. But many people still have an X box One or PS4, and for these people it would be great to play in 60 fps games. How about if you could reduce the level of detail and the graphics in games, and then 60 fps would have. Most games look so pretty good. Why is not there such a thing? In the PC versions there are such functions but also… Befor there was the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X, you could not play with 60 fps, so I do not think that it is a lure so that these consoles are bought more often.


You seem to be unaware that you have a normal Ps4 60fps in almost all games, right?


With current AAA titles you have not. His idea is therefore not stupid, but unfortunately it is neither in the interest of software companies nor Sony and Microsoft.


What does their interests mean? It's just so the great graphics draws more like the number of frames except here is usually the PC Group because they need to run permanent konsole bashing. Also I prefer to have better optics, especially since 30 frames if they run stable enough. For this I have then on the One X 4k and HDR. The difference in Horizon 4 between 60 and 30 is minimal or, I'm not a purist, barely noticeable. But it looks better with 30 worlds.

Also I find this discussion slowly tolerable. I come from a time, first console was a NES 1989, as has placed on fps or even stable frame rate not much value. Since it was already sufficient in the past if you could play properly with occasional tearing and smaller frame breaks. In contrast to those days, the frame rates for today's titles are almost always stable and that with opulent optics. Whether with 30 or 60 I do not care.


Microsoft and Sony want to sell the new consoles, so there will be no option and the software makers want pompous pictures, as they sell the AAA titles. What has that got to do with bashing, that's normal market economy.

I do not know why you felt so kicked, but that's just the answer to the question asked.


I do not know if you have read and understood my comment correctly.

On the one hand, I do not feel like stepping on the hook but find this discussion around 30.60 or more frames simply idle and unnecessary. It is next to all that makes up a game a technical edge detail.

And with bashing I simply mean that this argument is always used by PC players to show the supposed superiority of their system. To take your market economy example and show you that it does not matter to the console manufacturers, I point out that on One X and PSX Pro is very often a 60 fps option. Even the previously known details of the Playstation 5 show the Sony not neglected.

In the games that I have and offer the opportunity, I prefer but better graphics at stable 30 because the difference is minimal. My circle of friends with the One X sees it the same way and I think the majority of the consoleros as well.