My mother is always lying, what should I do?

- in Xbox

Following situation:

I would pay the PC myself

I'm 14 and for weeks I want a PC because we need one for the school. But my mother always thinks of more and more lies. For all the lies she should win a prize.

I have just found a good PC, first my mother said that the PCs are burning after 30 minutes because they should be so. But I was in the computer room for 2 hours last week at school, and the pc did not even get warm.

When I told her that, she said, 'We can't own a PC or a car because the ARGE does not allow us to.'

I do not even have my xbox or my TV, she said.

To tell such lies is not a good education, or does she want to say with the lies that as a child I really do not need something like that? What do you think? I'm afraid to go to the youth welfare office, because then maybe I'll come to the home and I'm not allowed to have a PC anyway. Maybe I have to change schools, or will I just talk? Even if she does not stop?

Sorry that I always have to ask questions about it, but I can't help it


Your mother can't financially afford to buy you a computer.

He also needs a lot of power, which your mother can't pay either.

There are some cases when the computer and TV are really burned down.


The arguments you describe here about your mother are nonsense, you're absolutely right. But to ban the purchase of a PC does not necessarily have to be nonsense.

The youth welfare office will listen to this and then tell you that you have to listen to your mother. If you find that you are always arguing and there are difficulties in your home, then they will offer you help, eg. An educational aid that comes to your home. That's why nobody comes to the home.

Having a PC can be useful and beneficial for the school, but having no one is not a drama. No teacher can demand that you have one and therefore you can't be disadvantaged.


The things she tells are certainly nonsense. The job center is not interested in how many pcs are in the school, nor are they necessarily burning.

However, you're just talking such a nonsense. You do not need a pc for the school. Everything you need for school is in your books and if you need to do some research, contact the library.

you do not have your own income and so you can't pay any pc. If you have saved, be glad that your mother puts money away for you. You'll need that when you grow up and want to move out. Or want to use a driver's license etc.

find that your mother sees no reason for a pc in her flat and live with it. At the age of 18, you are welcome to put and operate a pc in your own flat.

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