Which Pokémon title for beginners?

- in Nintendo

I would like to buy a Pokémon game for the Nintendo 3Ds. I played Pokémon a few years ago and would like to play one again. The choice is:

Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphires

ultra moon / sun ultra

Is the graphic of oras as good as that of Ultrasonne / Mond? I just want to have a nice Pokémon for classic gameplay and new 3D graphics.

I would be very grateful for your help.


ORAS is better at world and story. Simple are both parts.

You can also get normal DS games on the 3Ds. Platinum would be quite recommendable. And Black and White and Black2 / White2 are pretty good at the story, but they are also heavier than most Pokemon games.


I also like the graphics, so only 3Ds. Can you tell me if Oras graphic is as good as Ultrasonne's?


Oras was in 2013 and S / M / US / UM around the 2018, self-explanatory… XD
Only in S / M / US / UM it jerks a lot and there are a lot of cut scores annoying


Thank you


Always my pleasure! ^^


Ultrsonne partly jerky because it already blatantly loads the 3ds and actually is not made for it


Although I have not played both parts, if you look at video you can see that ultramond / ultrasonne has the better graphics. Is actually also clear, since only sun and moon came out 2 years later and ultramond / ultrasonne then came a year later and is the successor of the first part. If you're into graphics then ultramond / ultrasonne.

As a beginner, I would rather take Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire, as it is a remake of Gen 3 and thus more like the other parts. The Pokemon parts do not differ so much from the gameplay, but the sun and the moon did change some of the things that were in every other part of the game. For example, Are there no more Arena fights?


So if you want to be taken by the hand, then you are well served with Ultra, because the game takes you by the hand and will not let go until reaching the Pokemon League. Every moment the game is interrupted because some NPC has to explain something to them (how difficult can it be to steer a mantax over waves and avoid obstacles?!) and the tutorial for the ultra-portals can even be done TWICE, because you can travel through the gates with both Solgaleo and Lunala and for both of them it has to be explained if the control is DIESELBE! The battles are especially useful, because once you have met a Pokemon (ie from the second encounter), you will see how effective your opponent's attack is, so you do not have to strain the poor gray cells. Yes, if you want something like that, then (ultra-) sun and moon are just right.

But a personal recommendation would be Omega / Alpha, even if they are so very much in the hand. In return, they offer much more content and also rewards against coaches on the routes as well as in secret bases, which are always updated when you go online with the device and activated both Street and Spotpass. In addition, there are the legendary Pokemon easier to find than in Ultra, because the Ultrapforten has me too much to do with coincidence and luck and on it.


I would say they are very similar to the graphics.