Nintendo Switch: Do you gamble more handheld or TV?

- in Nintendo

I would be interested to know if you play more on the TV or in your handheld with the switch and for what reasons you like it better.

For me, I use both a lot. Since I travel a lot, for example on vacation, to the doctor and on long journeys, the handheld mode is used more often than the TV mode, but as soon as I have time and desire to gamble at home, the Pro Controller is ready and the switch in the dock, I think the graphics and the large display of the games are just great and fascinating, since I haven't had a home console since Wii and ps3 and I hardly used them.

How is that with you?

If you have a Switch Lite, please ignore my question, since only handheld is possible there anyway.


I use the time to work on the go.

I don't gamble in bed

So only TV mode remains.

Whereby my brothers primarily use the trading mode


Luckily my TV is right by the bed 😁

Yes, when I have nothing to do on the way, I like to gamble, especially during the holidays when I don't have to learn


Should not be a criticism xD.

I'd rather have an hour less work in total, but an hour more free time after work. So as a whole xD


I also like to play on the TV in bed because it is sometimes more comfortable than my swivel chair. I haven't gambled on the go, but when a long drive or trip is coming the switch comes along. The battery will decide about it later, I have 100% I use handheld mode and with less I use TV


I think that everyone has their own preferences. For my part, I love it when I have the action very close. 😉


Because I usually take my time to gamble in peace and I find it more appealing on my monitor. From time to time (especially for farming rounds in between. But it is also often used during lunch breaks.