Nintendo Switch or Switch Lite? - 4

- in Nintendo

I want to buy a Nintendo Switch or Switch Lite. I'll probably just play handheld and for the most part I want them for Animal Crossing. When the time comes that I buy one, but also for Zelda or Mario etc.

I currently own an older Nintendo 3DS, so I'm used to the smaller screen.

But I'm still wondering whether the normal switch is more worthwhile. If you want to play on the TV, or simply to make the gaming experience EVEN better for this price.

What do you all mean? Nintendo Switch or Nintendo Switch Lite?


Imagine you want to play Mario Kart, Mario Party, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate or one of the many other games with your buddies. It's a hundred times cooler on TV.


A couple of reasons:

bigger battery (at least the v2)
bigger screen
the ability to play on the TV via the dock
detachable joycons that can also be charged on the switch


I recommend the Lite in my opinion because
1.) You lose the controller you can't turn off

2.) You don't get any interference that the controller is supposedly outside

and 3.) In my opinion, the battery drains more slowly


Just when you want to play on the television with someone or the game is a little different.

Then it's better to pay a little more money and keep the option open


The 2019 version of the Switch does not have a larger battery, but a better processor that is more energy efficient.


Everything that was special about the Switch has been removed from the Switch Lite.

By the way, not all games can be played on the Switch Lite. For some you have to buy the Joy Cons separately. You can get a switch directly and don't have the problem at all.


The first point also in understandable German? I assume that you mean that you can lose the Joy Cons because you can take them off. If you lose those things, you haven't used the console properly. What normal person can lose a controller? After all, you plug it back into the console when you've finished playing. Apart from that, you have to buy Joy Cons with the Switch Lite if you want to play all the games. There are some games that can't be played on the Switch without extra Joy Cons. Losing them is much easier because they can't even be plugged into the console.

I don't know anyone who has ever had such problems with the switch. These are isolated cases, if at all, and can also occur on the Lite.

The Switch has a battery that is twice as large as the Switch Lite and the processor of the 2019 version is more energy efficient. The Lite's battery runs out more than twice as quickly.

The Switch Lite doesn't have a single advantage over the Switch, but it does have a number of disadvantages.


Yup, you're right. Ultimately, it results in longer battery life


By the way, not all games can be played on the Switch Lite.

not entirely correct, you can also play all games on the Lite - but some not purely with the Lite, which is what you want to say with the rest of the statement

For some you have to buy the Joy Cons separately

Yup - and then you can play the rest of the games


That would also be my question, how the hell can you lose a controller 😄


I've done it before, then he was gone completely