Nintendo switch battery rapid bug?

- in Nintendo

My switch has 100% battery power (if you call it that) and I read that the switch in standby mode consumes 1-2% in 1 day I noticed that it has dropped from 100% to 70% in 2 hours it can only 2 reasons (guess)

The battery gauge has a bug or because I download a background download in standby mode because that also pulls power internet etc.

Should I test by the battery is at 1% and wait until it shuts off? Or what can I do? COMPLETELY discharge thus 0% or 2-4 full charge and until it turns off recharge so that the battery display updates itself and etc.


Just look how it is when no updates are loaded


My name is David.

What's the weird of my switch has the same problem too

I would ask you to call the support of the tendo and there to ask for help. Just go to Support.