Favorite of the 6th generation of consoles?

- in Nintendo

The 6th generation of consoles continued from 1998 to 2005. The Sony Playstation 2 became the most successful TV console ever. The first Xbox didn't sell too bad, despite the late release, the higher price, and it was also the very first console from Microsoft. However, other consoles such as the Nintendo Gamecube or Sega Dreamcast have received no attention at all, although the consoles are not worse. Especially as a Nintendo fan, I'm shaken by this fact (I don't even start with the Wii U). I mean what the Nintendo DS, the Wii and the Switch is everyone knows, but has anyone heard of the Gamecube? Just because Nintendo and Sega didn't put on a DVD drive, they were punished for it. I think that all the consoles of the generation are great, despite the differences. My personal favorite is the Gamecube because it is an important part of my childhood and the exclusives simply blow up all dimensions. But enough of my opinion, what do you say?


My childhood


Previously had all Playstations and only one Nintendo console - the N64


I'm personally on most of the topics on the Nintendo website and I also think that Nintendo with its many consoles and games set milestones in gaming development, so I also think that the GameCube is, in terms of fashion, nice.

Of course, Nintendo makes mistakes more often than others, but I think most of them are positive because they are very rarely serious mistakes.


Loved the whole generation. But only had a ps2. But was always very jealous of friends who had an xbox.

Half a year ago I got a used xbox with lots of games. A lot of great games!


Although I also played on Xbox, the Dreamcast still stands for me above all the consoles mentioned. It is a pity that, although there's still a scene today and games still appear so unknown to younger people.

Hope someone also reads the following text and knows how to appreciate it.

When it appeared significantly in front of Playstation 2 at the time, it was the most technically impressive console and well ahead of its time. I do not know where to start so the console was certainly not only extraordinary and formative for me but everyone who knew and appreciated him at that time.

Sorry, it will be a longer text, but maybe some of you will learn something about an improperly misunderstood and unsuccessful console, which also sealed the end of Sega's console ambitions.

First, the technology. Games such as Sonic Adventure, Sega Rally, Soul Calibur, Death or Alive, Shen Mue, Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio, Quake III Arena, Resident Evil Code Veronika all titles and series that many still saw today Appear so incredibly good. In contrast to Playstation 1 or Sega Saturn, there was the first fully modeled and super textured 3D graphic. In addition, everything is super fluid and lightning-fast.

You also have to know that there was a big machine scene in Japan and the USA at the time. Many titles were also ported to the predecessors, but only now did they not only look as good as in the arcade but sometimes better. I can hardly describe what a graphic flash and immense leap in terms of technology that was back then. Even after the Playstation 2 appeared, which were difficult to program until the end, the same games often looked better on Sega's console.

It is interesting to work with Microsoft in this. The console ran with a Windows CE operating system, making PC games easier to port.

It was also the first time that the Dreamcast could really be played online with a console. Certainly, some of them can no longer imagine that either, it has become so common in the age of smartphones. The console had a modem installed ex works. There was a 33k modem in mine and in times when you still logged into the Internet via the telephone line using a dial-in number, where, by the way, billing was done every minute, which is why you were constantly looking for the cheapest telephone provider, this was also a supposed killer feature. The first game was Chu Chu Rocket and Sega even sent it for free, as well as a keyboard for chatting. There was still a little delay between input and execution, but that didn't stop the fun.

Then Sega really turned up with Phantasy Star Online. The first time you could meet in an online MMO in a lobby / upper world / hub and play quests together after group formation. That was also going smoothly now and I still remember how we often just chatted instead of playing for hours at the time, there was still no thought of voice chat. Quake III Arena was just as awesome and ran absolutely smoothly with 6 players.

There was also a lot of hardware that was special at the time. The controller had an analog stick and as an add-on there was a rum module to buy. This was plugged into one of the two slots on the controller. Also normal today, but something special back then. Special topic, even the memory card for the younger ones, consoles had no hard drives at the time but external memory modules, was unusual. Because this had its own display and showed additional information on the controller while playing. If you pulled it out you could even play with it because it had two buttons and a digipad. Unfortunately, only a few games support this interesting feature and even fewer did so.

There were also angel controllers, light gun (House of the Death!) Or mouse and what I find particularly worth mentioning is a microphone that was also inserted into the controller.

A little story. Back then, there were not many games for the European market, meaning that they were exclusive to Japan or the US with a regional code that you can't use on a European console. So Alien Front Online also owned this microphone. In order to be able to play imports that were outrageously expensive in various game newspapers


Back then I only bought the Xbox because of Halo. Hard to imagine today, but it looked so good back then.

I and my brother were in the game shop forever and admire the game on the test devices.

Since then I've stayed true to the box, although I also have one PS per.


Yes, depending on the game, I still think the graphics are great on the 19 year old thing. I got appropriate cables so that you can use the old consoles on newer TVs in good quality. Still fun to play!