What is your favorite console and what are your favorite games?

- in Nintendo

I would be interested to know what your favorite console (Playstation, Nintendo Switch etc.) is?

To all people who prefer a PC more: I only asked for consoles, so please don't answer that a PC is better or a PC is more worthwhile, thanks.


There are so many good games out there… Persona, Uncharted, GTA, Heavy Rain…

I also like to play Animal Crossing and Pokémon on the Switch.


I like the 3DS best and am generally a Nintendo fan girl, even if I find some of the company's actions on the borderline. For example that you have to pay money for online functions or create artificial shortages for some games. My favorite games are the Legend of Zelda series


Based on the selection I choose the Xbox (Series X).

I've had the Xbox since Microsoft's first console, and I've stayed with it. I don't want to miss the game series there or my friends anymore.

I think Halo, the two Forza series and Gears are really strong.

But if you were to ask about my all-time favorite, it would be Sega's Dreamcast.


GTA is also available on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and Windows.


I meant: "There are such good games" that I can't decide.


I definitely choose the Xbox here.

The Nintendo Switch is good, no question about it, but how many disadvantages it has. Pfu.

Bad gaming performance compared to the competition
The exclusive titles from Nintendo are slowly but surely worn out, see Mario Odyssey, which in my opinion is not really one of the good Mario parts.
Inferior processing quality which leads to a lot of problems such as overheating and Joy Con drifts.
The Nintendo Switch console is the most insecure console. Here you can certainly encounter hackers or the like, as the system is completely open, just like with Sony with their Playstation, and is not secured or the like
High power consumption
Loud volume
Low battery life

Nevertheless, it still has a few advantages:

Exclusive titles like Zelda, Smash Bros, Pokemon and etc.
Games can be played both on the TV and in the handheld
Real multiplayer feeling: Many Switch games are designed to be played not only online but also in the same room with each other. When it comes to socializing, the Nintendo console is way ahead.

The Playstation is a very popular console, but only because of the name "Playstation", technically, in terms of game technology and the like, it has very little to offer. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages:


Exclusive titles like The Last of Us, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn. (For information, they are all available on Steam or Playstation Now)
Lots of teenage children to play games with. (The age group of the Playstation community is very low)

that was all.


Poor performance compared to Microsoft with their Xbox
600GB of free storage space → for today's standards, more storage space
A lot of teething troubles such as the inevitable flush whine
High volume of the fan or the power supply
Inefficient power consumption compared to the Xbox Series X (ps5 & xbox series x have similar power consumption, despite the significantly stronger performance of the Xbox Series X)
Inferior processing quality for the controllers and the console, which can lead to problems with motors, cooling and sticks
After Nintendo's non-existent party chat system, Sony's party chatting system is one of the worst party chatting systems, because on the one hand you are constantly being recorded and thus your privacy is violated and on the other hand the party chafing systems at Sony are constantly messing around and loading for a long time.
No support for technical modes such as FREESYNC, which prevents so-called "screen tearing" or "screen tearing" and no support for resolutions such as 1440p and 4320p.


My favorite is the Xbox, because here I have the best graphics quality, the highest resolution, the strongest internet connection, the most mature & largest community, the lowest volume, the best processing quality, most technical features & options, the greatest backward compatibility, the best party system in the world Console area, the most efficient console, the best crossplay experience, the greatest crossplay ever, the ones with the fewest teething troubles, the ones with the largest storage space, the console with the most completely new exclusive titles.

Of course, it also has disadvantages, but these are either a matter of taste or production errors that can happen with any manufacturer.


I've been playing on the PlayStation since the PS2 came out!

The reason I use the PlayStation:

Exclusive games
simple menu guidance
more sophisticated controller

Games I like to play on the PlayStation are mainly racing games! With a large part of the Gran Turismo series, I spend on the console…