Save on the switch?

- in Nintendo

Well, today my friend gave me a Nintendo Switch and the game Smash.

I was sure that the game would save itself automatically because it was like that on Nintendo back then. So my boyfriend and I played a few rounds and unlocked some characters. We then stopped and he went home. Then I turned the game back on because I wanted to continue playing a little and all the progress was gone, so I had to start all over again. Luckily it wasn't too much now. Doesn't the game save itself automatically? If not, how do you do it manually?


Actually, the game saves automatically after every fight, even in story mode.


Hm, really strange 😐

I'm afraid to quit the game and do everything all over again


How do you end the game. Do you immediately go to the homemenu and close it.

Or do you go to the start menu of smash first.


Well before I honestly don't know anymore, but normally I do it this way: first to the start menu of Smash, then to the home screen and then to exit software, actually quite normally


Hmm that's really weird.

You only have one account on the switch right?


Yes, actually. But I have now tested it again, now it has been saved. It would be stupid if that happened again.


Then it was probably just a mistake.