Why does switch overheat so quickly?

- in Nintendo

I briefly had my switch somewhere while it was on (about 20 minutes) and then it was overheated, I find the Nintendo does not overheat so quickly. Can someone tell me why?


This is due to the cooling design. The cooler is not that big. Mine also completely freaks out while gaming.


"… I think Nintendo doesn't overheat so quickly."

But the switch is from Nintendo, or what does it mean?

Depending on which game you start, the device can get hot a little faster. It also depends on where you leave it (heating, sun, etc.).


Always make sure that the ventilation at the back is free, so don't lay it flat anywhere and lower the brightness. I usually have it at 30%. That mostly helps

However, when it is on the power it warms up relatively quickly.


I mean 3ds


You can't compare the performance of a Nintendo 3DS to a Nintendo Switch.


That explains some things I put the switch under my pillow