No gambling?

- in Nintendo

I'm 17 years old and I'm not allowed to gamble during the week. If my father catches me during the week, I'm not allowed to gamble on the weekend. He justified this with: You shouldn't gamble because you should do something for school during the week.

To the statement that I have already learned and that I also have free time, he replies with: Do what you want! Or in our house there are rules that must be followed. Do you have a similar family situation at the age of 17?

In the past, my father didn't really care about my school; my mother did that. Now my mother doesn't see it as dramatic about gambling, but my father doesn't like it at all, although he sometimes plays himself.

On my mobile phone, on my Nintendo Switch, I can gamble as long as I want, and my father watches films with me too (during the week when I say I have time). But instead of watching a film, I'm not allowed to look at my PC, because that is something completely different.

I would like to know your opinion on the subject.


Yes, it's illogical, but that's how it is.

What should I say, play secretly or not.


I think your father's demeanor is perfectly fine. I wouldn't want my child to become addicted to games either


I think that at 17 I can think so far that I don't play 4 hours every day. I don't have the time. And I don't think I can do 1-2 hours a day (not every day, Monday and Thursday I don't have time).


Gambling addiction is a real danger in teenagers. Nevertheless, it is understandable that you want to gamble during the week as well. When you are 18 you can decide everything yourself, so I think it is important that you learn to limit yourself.

You could talk to your father about it. Explain to him that you want to learn how to organize your PC time yourself and that you want to pack your school too.

You could agree on a test month with him and set a maximum number of hours per week and then see whether you manage to comply with them yourself or whether it is better to get rules from outside.

In the week 2h per day on the weekend 6h per day should be fine for your age. Of course, better is less.


Get the "PS Remote Play App".

Then you can play on your mobile phone screen while the TV can stay off.

So you can possibly do it secretly 😂

I also gambled a lot in my youth, but that stopped when I was 18-19.

Adults, especially parents, always see this very negatively. -> did not exist before, do not know…

But of course, don't waste your entire free time with it. It is very important that you also have other hobbies.


I also have hobbies, I've been playing the piano for 9 years and listen to a lot of music


At the moment I play 0 hours a day a week and 4 hours a day on the weekend.


A 17 year old should be given enough freedom that he can decide for himself whether he plays during the week or not. At that age I was allowed to gamble as much as I wanted for a long time. I'm a gamer myself and would no longer forbid or set any limits for my children in adolescence. Unless there are problems in some way.


Yes, that is little for gamblers. As I said, communication is key. Propose rules yourself that are reasonable. Your father only wants good things for you, but he can certainly judge gaming badly. Tell him over dinner what you experienced while gambling. Maybe he becomes more relaxed when he understands what is there.