Why is nintendo switch still so expensive after over 2 years?

- in Nintendo

When the console appeared in March 2017, it cost 329 euro and now, with luck, it costs 290 euro

I can't understand this is a console that has much less performance than the xbox one and ps4 and very bad games has partially cost the games synonymous mega expensive

As an example zelda BOTW appeared together with the console and still costs 55 euro

And now I compare 1 game that for the ps4 and xbox one came about 1 year ago RDR2 it cost about 55 euro 1 year later, so it costs about 30 euro so today, which I think is perfectly fine because the game 1 year old.

Or witcher 3 costs about 20 euro for the ps4 and xbox one the game was released in 2015

This time the game has also been released for the switch and costs a whopping 55 euro 😱 for 1 game that is 4 years old

I've never seen such sick money-hungry people like Nintendo, how man can be so stubborn and just do not let the prices sink, just sick

I use my ps4 and xbox one also makes it easy to always lower the prices

Your opinion would be very interesting to me but something of! Do you even have such a console at home?


Nintendo has no competition. They serve their "niche" and do not fight like Microsoft and Sony for one, admittedly the much larger market.


Nintendo is not usually cheaper.

Sony and Microsoft are interested in undercutting the competition, as the games are mostly the same.
But if you want to play Nintendo games, there's no legal alternative, so they can afford to keep their prices largely unchanged.


Why cut the price of something that sells very well every week, even without a price cut? Demand is apparent and the leaders are willing to pay 300 euro for it. So there's no reason for a price reduction, especially since the console is also very young.

You are free to buy a used console, to access the Switch Lite or not to buy the console.