I have the following problem: I vaguely remember a handheld console from my childhood, but unfortunately I no longer know what it is called and what brand it is.
The console was not very large and rectangular, had rounded corners, and was pink. The buttons were white, I think there was this cross to control and a few more buttons.
I think it must have been a knockoff from Nintendo, there was no game like Mario. I still remember a few minigames, for example one in which you had to take care of babies or dogs, or one in which you had a restaurant and had to serve customers. There were also jump and runs and horse races, etc. I also remember a game in which you had to catch fruit or something and sometimes worms fell from above that you had to avoid. The game selection was very diverse and large.
Maybe someone can help me. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with games and consoles, hence the makeshift descriptions.
I have an idea. Could it have been a PSP? I briefly inform myself and then give a correct answer.
It could also have been a Nintendo DS.
Unfortunately, neither of these works, but thanks anyway. The console wasn't to be opened, but just a block that you held in your hand haha
It looked a bit like a Switch Lite.
I have one more question… Was the console only available in the color you described it to us in, or were there others too?
Unfortunately not: / but thanks!
Gameboy micro?
https://www.google.com/...5&dpr=2.63" class="text-primary">https://www.google.com/...5&dpr=2.63
Or maybe that?
https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rev2&source=android-browser&q=konsole+l%C3%A4ngs+pink&tbm=isch&chips=q:konsole+l%C3%A4ngs+pink,online_chips:gameboy+micro:nQSxjgad0yc%3D&usg=AI4_-kQ27xg78_R82pncB7u2qyXbNZbZbA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXjd3jwcXwAhXL6OAKHeT-AykQgIoDKAF6BAgGEAs&biw=412&bih=735&dpr=2.63 # imgrc = pYBnyEnqgA0KrM
Maybe this Gameboy Pocket Edition
Unfortunately not both, but thank you very much