Nintendo Switch won't charge? - 1

- in Nintendo

My Nintendo Switch won't charge. The charger worked just like the console hours before. When my battery ran out, I plugged the charging cable into the console. Many have the problem that it indicates that the switch is charging but does not turn on. MY problem, however, is that my switch does not respond to the charger at all. When I plug it in, the screen doesn't light up. And when I press the power button, it shows the battery symbol, but without this "charging lightning bolt". Charging cable is also from Nintendo. Ask for help


Is the charging cable also in a Nintendo power supply unit? Because the switch often has problems with third-party power supplies


First hang the Nintendo Switch on the Nintendo Switch power supply for 1 hour or more and charge it, then make sure to turn on the console by pressing the power button for at least 15 seconds.