Friends are not quiet at night?

- in Nintendo

I always go to sleep at 1 a.m. And when friends stay with me the answer always comes what? Are you going to sleep so early? I also ask my friends to sleep and be quiet because I need absolute rest to sleep. I then close my eyes and sleep, but they listen to music with headphones, type on their cell phones or look at pictures on their cell phones and then laugh at these pictures. Unfortunately I wake up at the slightest noise and that is why I'm so strict and explain it to those who just say that they are not tired and 1 o'clock in the morning would be too early for them. They would still stay awake longer and because absolute silence is absolutely no use if listening to loud music with headphones because you can still hear it in the silence.

What can I do that are not just calm and sleep in peace? Some even play Nintendo with a bit of volume and I don't think I hear that. You can't just wait until morning and go to sleep. I know some say now I'm exaggerating again but I need absolute rest at night


It's just that different people have different habits.

Just as you can only sleep with absolute rest, maybe you can only sleep from 3, that's just the way it is.


Why do you let them sleep with you when they are so ruthless? Say it again, it's your room and if you want to sleep and need rest you should respect that, has nothing to do with whether you're a bad friend or something, but good friends would just let you sleep


And what should she do?


People who don't care about me no longer sleep with me. You can fool around at home.


I don't know, it's up to her to decide. Maybe no longer spend the night with friends, maybe in separate rooms.

I was just trying to find reasons for the seemingly ruthless behavior.


Not meant badly, but you know what you're inviting to your home.

If you invite friends / buddies to you, then you have to be aware that this is NOT an evening when you go to bed alone. Do you want your peace, privacy, your normal evening, then don't invite friends / buddies to you! As simple as that.

Your buddies / friends are your guests, but you can't expect them to tick the same way as you! Everyone has their way of falling asleep. Each person is individually broken and / or still completely turned up. Others have a completely different sleep rhythm than you do yourself.

Maybe they are still awake / excited because they just had a lot of fun and / or were happy when they were with you? The thought "Then I have to make it less fun!" In this case is counterproductive / anti-social / stupid.

You should see the night of your buddies as something special and make it out of it. Not something banal like the daily breakfast in the morning!

In other words, how often do you go to bed alone? And how often are your buddies there when you want to go to bed? If your buddies spend every (!) Weekend with you, make sure they rotate. This WE with you, then next with X, then with Y and then with Z and then again with you.

A host doesn't really have to go through everything. If a guest wants to stay awake until 9:00 a.m., you don't have to hold hands with them. But staying up until 1:00 a.m. Is one of the hosts! Especially if you have known them for a long time. So you know exactly what to expect. Whining a la "But I want to go to bed at 1 and they are just starting!" Then you just don't have to invite them. It's that easy if your sleep is more important to you! I once said goodbye to the last buddy (we had a DVD / film evening with great food and stuff! * Schleck) at 7 a.m. And the evening started at around 5 p.m! If I plan to have a DVD / film evening, then I plan an open end! And since you know your buddies, you should either 1: Do it the same way and limit the number of such events a bit (once a month, instead of every WE!) Or 2: Tell everyone right from the start: "At 1:00 But I want to go to bed at night and if you don't keep your mouth shut, you sleep on the balcony / In front of the door / have to look for a new place to sleep! "

You don't have to invite your buddies to every WE. If it is once a month, then this is also in order and is then something special. And then you can also take the time to go to bed at 1, 3, 7 in the morning, BECAUSE (!) It is something special! Special for you and for your buddies!

Hope I could help you and / or make you think. If you like, keep me up to date on this topic. All the best to you.


But that was the question


Why do you mind that? You can't sleep because of your neighbor's dog anyway


Or because she runs through the nights 😂