What do you think of crisis at the nintendo switch?
My cousin did that on his Nintendo Switch. It's going pretty well. Unfortunately it crashes very often in important places.
Then he has to get his money back
He still has fun with it. Somehow.
Games on Nintendo consoles usually never crash. My Wii, 3DS or Switch has never crashed. 🤔
His switch is also slightly broken - I forgot to mention it. It only works every now and then.
I can watch TV games and on the go (e.g. At school.)
I can play the way I like it. (On the couch or in bed)
The exclusive titles are recommended.
The Joy-Cons break quickly…
Online games are not possible via the mobile network (cell phone hotspot) (outdated peer-to-peer connections)
If you lose connection, you will be punished, even if you are not to blame.
now i checked that it was a game… Am i lost… Sry