Why are Nintendo DS games so changed?

- in Nintendo

In the game "Legend of Kay" you play a cat named Kay and you can swim with the Wii and Switch version, but with the DS version do you drown in the water when you jump in?

I find that very illogical because it's the same character, but why do the developers do that?

Wii / Switch / Ps2.3 version of the game = Kay can swim

DS version of the game = Kay can't swim?

This is the game I'm talking about https://www.amazon.de/...B079PTH8LF


This can have many reasons. Maybe you wanted to save resources with the DS variant because the console is not so powerful.


Weaker console just.


Because the DS is underperforming, unfortunately. I noticed later with Star Wars The Force Unleashed: there's more story and above all more music on PSP than on the DS. On the DS comes anachin dark deeds (the soundtrack where he kills the last separatist leaders in episode 3) at JEDEN bossfight where there was more in the PSP version. The Xbox 360 version was even more! The gameplay on the demo version alone was more extensive than that on the PSP or in everything on the DS. In many ways, the DS is relatively bad. Sure, it also has its advantages, and I like quite a few exclusives like Marinara, super Mario bros, etc, but from third party games like NFS, Ace Combat, Star Wars…

Doing this downgrade is like stepping on the step. No joke. Nevertheless, I want the DS somehow, even if it is completely restricted.