Recharge the Nintendo DS module battery?

- in Nintendo

I read on Twitter yesterday that some Pokémon games for the 3DS are likely to give up the ghost because the battery in the module goes empty (and then the data from the game should also be over).

Someone had written that they would always recharge when the game is in the DS. Since I haven't found anything about it on Google, I would be interested to know whether this is really the case and whether it would make sense to run every game from time to time to save the collection?

And does that also apply to Gameboy, Nintendo Switch and PS Vita modules?


I'm not aware that these modules contain a storage battery, there's also no battery in Vita and Switch modules, but from Gameboy to Gameboy advance batteries are built in for storage


Thanks ^^
Maybe it would have been good if I had included the tweet. From whom I had this: