Is this website dangerous or serious?

- in Nintendo

I want to buy a console (Nintendo Switch). Since I had been looking for a good offer for a long time, the first offers on the advertising space were also shown to me on YouTube and one of them is really good! It is a reduced nintendo switch for only 239.99 euro on a page called "Express-Effect24". Actually I should have struck now, especially since they deliver free, but the site makes a dubious impression and I'm afraid that I will be ripped off on this site. I'm not very familiar with this area, and I do not know what there's to consider or whether it is even possible to rip off something like that, but because I have never heard of this side and I'm a bit afraid of being picked up I ask you if anyone can tell me whether I can trust this site or not and why.

If you want to have a look at them, here is the link


Don't buy there!


It's a bit risky in my opinion as I've never heard of the website. It is of course your decision but I would wait for a large offer in your place (e.g. In media market, …)


I thank you very much, you save my life. I just have a question, how did you find a page so quickly that it says that the page is so dangerous because I sometimes googled express effect 24 but somehow nothing came apart from their offers and their page. Still extreme thanks to you. Best man.


I notice the following things:

In the imprint there's neither a commercial register number nor the VAT number. There's only reference to the small business property. BUT: With the advertised range of goods, this is never a small business owner!

The company is not entered in the commercial register. The company does not know Google Maps at the address either. The company did not provide a phone number.

No jurisdiction is specified in the terms and conditions.

The name of the "managing director / owner" is a name that exists umpteen times in the constellation.

I think it's a fakeshop.


You already know that they are cheaters. But still I wanted to tell you something:

Always pay attention to the price! Far too cheap prices = fraud!

A switch would never cost 239.99 euro!


Have ever given one at Real for 240 euro


Thank you very much.


But I understand what you mean.


A switch would never cost 239.99 euro at that time.

My mistake. But you know what I'm getting at. If something is just too cheap, it is very likely to be fraud.


And if you want to find out if a page is fake, try keywords like this:

expresseffect24 was

expresseffect24 scam

expresseffect24 fake

Name + the word "fake", "scam" or "scam"!

Then you should find something if the page is really fake.


Unfortunately I ordered here on Friday. Due to the google ads, my brother informed me shortly after the transfer that it was a fakeshop. I went straight to the police an hour after the transfer and got in touch with my bank. They are now checking everything… But currently I have no results…