Looking for an old soccer game, Playstation or Nintendo?

- in Nintendo

I'm looking for an old console game, soccer. Side view of the field. I remember players with special skills that could be used. One of them could fabricate swallows, a stocky one with a hard shot was there. And a technician who fired extremely curvy shots. Do you have any idea? 😇


Maybe "Mario Smash Football" for the Gamecube?


No, it was more realistic. Mario smash was great too. And red card 20-03.


Maybe "Sega Soccer Slam" that was there for several consoles.

Otherwise, I would recommend searching for keywords like "Nintendo", "Playstation" and "Soccer". This is a bit difficult without a precise time specification, as a lot of football games have appeared in previous generations of consoles such as the PS2. ^^


It wasn't the soccer slam. I'm starting to despair 🙂😅 type it was between 1990 and 1995.


Unfortunately, no. It was graphically better than Nintendo world cup, and they were real people, nothing like Mario.