Looking for a PS2 soccer game?

- in PlayStation

I'm looking for a soccer game for the Playstation 2. This game is about that. What I can still remember about a soccer game in which children or A class seated on a grandstand and you could then choose players there. This was not built like in FIFA but rather on a kind of trick game / trick figures where there were all sorts of super shots like a tornado shot or a shot that went underground from the center line and came back up in the goal.

What I still remember is that there were twins as characters / players who could choose.

I really hope for your help, maybe someone can help me.

Is a game for the Playstation 2!


Ask a shop where used and older games are bought / sold. I'm sure someone will have a clue.


Thank you. But I think I can achieve more here because it is hard to describe such a game…