How can I persuade my parents to use an Iphone 11?

- in Nintendo


I have been wishing for an Iphone 11 for a long time now. I currently have a Samsung Galaxy J5 2016 (in July 2017) and it has been really slow lately and spins often.

My father is already convinced but my mother is not yet. The iphone 11 is too expensive and too high-quality for her (in case it falls down or I leave it somewhere or it is stolen.)

I would also add money but I would also like a Nintendo Switch and therefore I do not want to spend all my money on the iPhone.

My mother says that she would buy me a Samsung (for around 200 euro).

Do you have any tips on how I can convince my mother? (Please do not write anything about helping in the household and getting money for it or that this increases my chances. Somehow it doesn't work for my mother!)


You don't need an iPhone, a Samsung is enough. At Apple, you also pay a lot for the brand.


It would definitely be good that you pay a large part with or help your parents more. Compromising is always a good thing


I also have an 11, but I paid for everything myself. If your mother can't / don't want to buy a cell phone for 1400 euro, is that normal?

btw am 15


What does one iPhone bring you more than another?


You can get it on Amazon for 750 euro. Sure, that's a lot of money too, but I have a birthday at the end of July and so I wish for it. And I would still have to pay for a birthday or not, but I don't have that much money to pay for it all by myself and until I had the money, does it take some more and I don't know how long my phone will work.


So I have to tell you I'm only 15 myself. My parents and sister all have Samsung for under 300 euro and none is a fan of iPhones. Can you imagine how excited they were about the idea of buying a 1200 euro cell phone? But I had an iPhone 6s that is slowly spinning on the battery. I said to myself that I would pull it through and that if I got a new cell phone I would get the iPhone 11 Pro. That was in December. I paid almost everything myself, so 3/4 of the cell phone. I saved 6 months. In order to get the money, I looked for a part-time job (delivering the newspaper) and saved my pocket money and sold a lot of clothes and shoes at the clothes shop. With that alone I have made a good 300 euro. But also had a lot of old clothes.

So it happened that after 6 months I ordered the iPhone 11 Pro and paid almost entirely myself when I was 15.

So my tip to you: earn the money. You will find it very difficult to persuade your parents to pay that much. Try to make a compromise and pay 400 euro yourself so that you pay the other 400 euro. I really know, waiting so long is really stupid. But it's worth it.


How long did you save and how?

I did everything to get money (I'm 15) and only after 6 months had the necessary 900 euro to buy the 11 pro. That cost me only 1,080 euro.

how do you get so much money?


At Apple you mainly pay for quality


Mine with a case cost 1300 euro. I sold 8 Max for my age, for about 350. I got the remaining 900 euro through pocket money (about 100 per month), gifts and through work. Working was just helping my dad in the shop on Saturdays and Sundays. Later I had a real job alongside a supermarket job. I still have it, but haven't worked since 1.12.19 xD Joa that's it.

what did you work


Your name says it all


Got newspaper for slave wages haha. Unfortunately had no other option


Your intelligence says it all if you don't know that an account can be older and you can't change the name


Yes, for me it is 65 euro if it goes well 80 euro that would be 5-7 euro an hour 😂

if i could do something else i would.

but rather 65 euro than nothing 😂


If you already had Instagram when you were 11, nothing will surprise me anymore


Find someone who didn't have Instagram xD


Oh there's enough.

Some of them just don't go crazy.


I refer to my latest survey


You are 15. Sure you can do something else. From 15


In theory but in practice you can find nothing. Everyone only wants to hire 16 people or more


Too bad. Well now hated it

How to persuade parents? ta targetzoey
I hate my parents? Pe Pelicankenia