Will Nintendo run into problems in 2021 and beyond?

- in Nintendo

A Nintendo Switch Pro is expected for 2021 (actually already 2020). Of course, this will hardly be able to keep up with the new PS5, but rather be on the level of a PS4, if at all.

Up to and including 2020, the current Switch sells particularly well and even now it can more than keep up with the sales of the new consoles. But can that change from 2021, when the difference in performance will now be far too great? The concept of the switch may have worked up to the last generation, but how does it look now?


You can't compare consoles from Nintendo with consoles from Microsoft and Sony

that they have their own games like Pokemon, Super Mario and ko.

Therefore, Nintendo fans are more likely to buy their consoles.


In terms of performance, Nintendo was never on a par with Sony and Microsoft. That was never her claim either. You also have a different target audience. They also make up for it with titles that are only available for Nintendo, the fancy console design (which I think needs some improvements in terms of software technology so that it finally runs stable) and actually never bugs in their games and a huge fan base. Therefore, the Switch will continue to sell well despite this performance difference.


At Nintendo, the big advantage are the Nintendo titles. Mario titles are firstly classics and have most fans and secondly only available for the Switch. That means you make such a good profit just by doing it that you don't worry about the rest.


At least not because of the PS5 or Xbox Series X, because these devices are, in effect, modified PCs for stationary games, while the Switch is a tablet-based hybrid device.

It is simply not possible to cool that much power in a tablet of this size and to supply it with power via the battery and accordingly Nintendo should position itself as a family console in the field of high end for mobile gaming and stationary mode.

Nintendo would therefore be well advised to see that they come into the upper league in terms of possible performance for tablets, perhaps not the latest, so that the price does not become too expensive, but at least in the area of top performance from last year.

In addition, Nintendo should see to it that older, important third party games such as e.g. GTA 5 should be ported as far as possible so that this is possible shows the port of the technically even more complex game The Witcher 3.


It really amazes me that GTA V wasn't ported for the Switch. It may be due to the 32GB cartridges that are currently too small. However, Witcher 3 also fits completely on this. I think in 2021 the cards with 64GB will finally come with the Switch Pro.


That's right, but a survey shows that most of the Switch really use it as a hybrid, 50% of the time using it as a tablet or home console. As a tablet it is really good, no question about it, but as a home console it is weakening more with the new release of the consoles


In general, I wonder why Nintendo isn't finally making bigger cardridges possible for the previous Switch.

A hardware limit should be ruled out with modern hardware and a software limit could be remedied by a firmware update, as it has been customary at Nintendo for a long time not to run new games on devices with old firmware.

In any case, the dynamic resolution of the Switch games is perfect for offering games both with slightly poorer graphics on the previous Switch and with slightly better graphics on the Switch Pro.


At Nintendo, it's mostly all about the characters that keep the company alive and that neither Microsoft nor Sony have managed to the same extent as Nintendo does:

Pokemon and Super Mario

As long as Microsoft and Sony don't manage to land a similar big hit, you don't have to worry about Nintendo, Microsoft would most likely get to Nintendo with Minecraft, but Sony?

What kind of well-known worlds / characters does Sony have besides Sonic?

The key lies with the children, here Nintendo starts very early with games and fan articles to become an important part of childhood in order to later benefit from the effect:

I loved playing Donkey Kong as a kid and now Nintendo is releasing a remake that I absolutely have to have.

There's hardly anything like that at Microsoft and Sony, but they also define themselves more through performance and they are also mainly interested in older players, if Nintendo wanted to get their parents' money mainly through the children and Nintendo has to ensure that parents associate positive associations with the brand and open their wallets with a good feeling and buy a console for their children (and themselves).