Console to console communication blocked. How can I still play online on my Nintendo Switch?

- in Nintendo

I currently live in the dormitory and currently have 600GB per month of data there. I bought a Nintendo Switch to play with my girlfriend, but the WLAN seems to be blocking communication between several consoles. E-shop, downloads and the like work at high speed. Does anyone know a way how I can bypass such a lock? (I've already tried ports. PC online no problems)
Thanks for reading and hopefully for answering ^^ "


Most online games outside of Switch Online should work. For games that also use Switch Online you either need all ports 1.65535 free plus IPv4 (we would have to book it from the provider for 5 eur a month) and / or a so-called DMZ.

All hosts can only be one device in the network, stupid…

Connect the switch via mobile phone and set up everything not so great either… To take the mobile flat rate…

Here's an answer from Nintendo… Since I have a stable internet like you do. I even got an extra LAN adapter…

The problem is NAT D… The switch would play all online games with A, possibly B, without any problems.

Internet trouble.

First we ask you to restart your router, that means you take it off the power for about 5 minutes and switch it on again.

Then please check the distance to your router and, if necessary, go closer. Please note that we do not recommend the use of a WLAN repeater and ask you to switch it off.

If a connection to the Internet was already temporarily possible with your current settings, this indicates a malfunction due to interference.

If you have followed these steps, we ask you to adopt the following settings:

- change the transmission channel of the router between 1 and 14 (at 2.4 GHz) or 36 to 136 (at 5 GHz)

- The console supports the following security settings: WEP, WPA-PSK (AES), and WPA2-PSK (AES)

Assign a static IP address to your Nintendo console in order to open the following ports for this IP address.


Ports: 442 445 and


Allow traffic to all addresses. This is absolutely necessary for the peer-to-peer connection established when playing! (Ports 1 65000)

If the connection still does not work, then put your Nintendo console in the DMZ if your router has this function.

A DMZ function is used to place certain devices in front of the router firewall. This separation allows access to publicly available services and at the same time protects the internal network from unauthorized access.

You can also adjust the DNS settings on your Nintendo Switch.

System settings -> Internet -> Internet settings -> please select your router here -> change settings

In this menu please scroll to the "DNS Settings" and change the settings to "Manual" and as follows:

Primary DNS server:

Secondary DNS server:

After you have made the settings, press "Save" and restart the console.

If you continue to have difficulties despite following these instructions, we ask you to try other networks. If necessary, please contact your Internet provider or the manufacturer of your router so that they can help.

We hope we were able to help you and wish you a lot of fun with our products.


First wow. I did not expect such a detailed answer. But I think it's terrific. Port forwarding and DMZ were unfortunately unsuccessful. My Wi-Fi router is just a bridge between the dorm's Wi-Fi provider and my wireless devices. That means there might still be a wall hanging at the other end that I can't manipulate. Nevertheless, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will follow up on the suggestions and try again.


I don't do anything else or wait for the better line with this IPv4 additional cost 😑 which will only come with the new tariff.