How to get the Animal Crossing Beet badge?

- in Nintendo

After a couple of years I digged out my game Animal Crossing New Leafe for the Nintendo and noticed that I still lack a badge, the beet badge.

Now I wanted to ask how to get that exactly, I know what's in the wiki. But do you have to make profit now to get that, or do you just have to sell the beets for a certain price and it does not matter if you make a profit or a loss?


Leaf *: D


To get the "Rübernzählerabzeichen", you have to earn 500,000 Sternies through turnips.

The Beet Expert Badge requires 3,000,000 Sternies.

You get the "Beetbaronabzeichen" if you have earned 10,000,000 Sternies from beets.


Thanks, I know that.

Hm. So. For example, if you buy 1,100 beets for 107,800 (98 stars per turnip) and add them for e.g. Sold 164,400 again, one has made 56,600 profit, is there only the profit counted or the whole sale price? I just think the profit?

I do not know how I can explain it differently.


I think the whole sale price is counted.