Gta 5 crashes in the middle of the game?

- in PlayStation

I recently got myself gta 5 on the ps4 from a friend (with game sharen so on his acc and downloaded from him)

Then I played for a couple of hours and then it crashed and the score was gone

After that I continued playing and today it crashed again and I have to do everything all over again

So my question: What can I do about it or can I do anything about it at all?


The score is not gone. You just have to load it through the settings. The game saves automatically. If your game crashes, the console will feel like just closing the game. The game status can't be deleted.

If the game crashes frequently, it could be due to your Ps4. Either the files on the hard drive are defective or your entire console is not working properly. Would recommend you to rebuild the database.


I take a look thanks for the answer


It only saved that before it crashed the first time, but that's enough for me thanks again.


Do you happen to know if you can prevent it from crashing?


As I said, you should rebuild the database. If that doesn't help, there's hardly anything left to do, as that would be a defect on the console.


Oh so okay, thank you